Monday, July 18, 2005

The Light Goes On in the Dark Closet of Despair

I wonder how many other bloggers are afflicted with the same blog-related illness I suffer? You know, the one where all my best blog posts are written only in my mind while I am taking a shower, mowing the lawn, cleaning out the catbox, or even sleeping. That's not the bad part. The bad part is that once I sit down at the keyboard sometime later, anxious to type my thoughts for all the world to see.


My brain goes "sProIng!BoINk" and it all evaporates into the god forsaken ethereal mists of blog purgatory or the Twilight Zone or where ever all the masterfully conceived yet never written blog entries are snatched to. It is so damn frustrating. If I happen to start typing then it all ends up sounding like crap and I delete it and pound my head against the monitor in hopes of jarring loose just a tiny morsel of the vision I had. All for naught and BMNB goes another day without so much as an original creative grunt to grace it's page.

Oh, I could fall back on some logical and sane reasons for my lack of creative spirit but it would be giving in to the denial that I just have not put forth the sincere effort. Count this post as being maybe a tiny first step in the right direction to coming out of my dark closet of despair and once again entering the world of creating original blog content. I am not guaranteeing anything except I am doing my damnedest to live in the Now and Here one clock tick at a time. We'll see what comes out of that.