Sunday, March 20, 2005

Charles' Final Hours

Charles will be removed from life support tomorrow (Monday, March 21, 2005) at 1 p.m. CST. Doctors expect he will transpire any where from a few minutes to 24 hours after the respirator is removed. I am leaving soon to make the 10 hour drive to be there in time. My heart and mind are filled with all sort of emotions that I don't have the time to discuss here now and probably couldn't do justice in conveying them anyway. I have only slept an hour in the last 48 but will try to grab a couple hours sleep before departing.

I want to thank all of you who have offered your support and kind words of encouragement before I am absent from this blog for at least the next few days. You don't know how much some of the simplest comments have meant to Charles and I. Remember, your words and thoughts have power beyond what most people imagine.

I will return as soon as I am emotionally capable.


Deanna said...

Oh my friend....

Death watch is so hard. I have done it with my mother-in-law... I remember feeling my world constrict and narrow down to what I had to do in the next few moments, few hours, never allowing my world to open up larger than that for the whelming pressure that surrounded me.

There are no words that help in a time like this. And I am stuck with only empty sounding words to comfort wtih.

Know that a friend sits by your blog, and watches for your return. She prays for your family and for the burdens you are bearing now in the next few weeks of transition and busyness. She holds the light out and sends you the only kind of support she can in a very difficult time.


She prays for the soul of your brother who returns to his creator. That he find light for his path on that journey. I also pray for his friends and family - and those he has chosen as family, that even in thier loss they would find him in the fabric of thier lives, looking back at them in the faces of family members who wear his expressions, have his nose, or laugh with his laugh. May his friends keep pictures out and the stories of his life right at thier tongues.

And I pray for you my friend. That you would grieve (it's a good thing to do) and that when you are ready, the clouds will roll back, and that you will find joy again.

Unknown said...

You're in my prayers. XOXOX

Ms Mac said...

I'm very, very sorry for you and your family. Best wishes.

Unknown said...

I am words can not express the empathy I feel for you at this time... May you find peace with these events...although from experience I know that the emotions and thoughts will continue.