Thursday, March 10, 2005

Us Kids Back Then

(Left to Right - My littlest brother Carroll, My Baby Sister Teresa, cousin Tiffany and Aunt Paula. Back row left to right - Charles and Me)
Squinting into the sun not knowing what the future held. (around 1968)


Bonez said...

We were... and we did. Very perceptive of you, Linda Rae ;>

Ali said...

great picture!

Bonez said...

The picture has brought back many childhood memories, Ali. It is so difficult to look at it and know all that has transpired since that day of innocence.

Anonymous said...

Those two unknown children aren't quite unknown. The blonde is our cousin Tiffany (Uncle Bob's daughter with his first wife Jan) and the smallest one is Aunt Paula. I'm guessing this was taken approx. 1968 or '69

Bonez said...

I will make the changes, Sis. Thanks for reminding me.