Sunday, June 12, 2005

Nashville Cruise

I am still feeling the buzz from my Nashville cruise to see my best friend, William Payne. You know, that "buzz" you get after a long drive returning home from a weekend you don't want to end? The special buzz of driving four hours in a Corvette cruising down the highway with its sexy powerful thrumming rumble flowing through your whole body? Yeah, that kind of buzz. It makes me want to stop typing this post and get back out on the road and just go nowhere real fast. But, I digress...

William called me early last week and asked if I would meet him in Nashville since it is half way between us (about 4 hours drive). It sounded like fun and something I would really like to do but I hunted for every excuse in the book not to go. Poor William, I was on again off again with each new phone call or e-mail all through the week. I've got to be a lousy friend with my wishy-washy behavior. But hey, this adventure suddenly tripped a lot of triggers inside of me and I found myself actually fearing going. Fearing to let myself go and experience something besides the stress and anxieties I've been shouldering for so many months. How ridiculous is that? His request for a getaway challenged me to shake loose from the perceived responsibilities normally planned for my weekends and do something totally different and that brought about additional anxieties. I guess I am really a basket case afterall.

Anyway, I slogged through the week from hell at work and ended up with a middle of the night anxiety attack that made me sit up and take notice that I was about as close to going over the edge of sanity as I've ever been in my entire life. I had to do something and since I don't believe in coincidences I suddenly saw William's invitation as the life-jacket thrown to me as I bobbed in the ocean of my own fears and it could just possibly save me from sinking beneath the waves of despair and drowning. Wow, that was a pretty tall order of expectations for a simple overnight buddy trip.

My 1996 Collector Edition Corvette had been giving me fits with random idiot lights and bells going off for about a month and me with no time to investigate what was going on. I was uncertain if I should take the risk of driving it to Nashville but that turned out to be just another excuse for not going (William hadn't had the pleasure of seeing her yet). She performed fantastically and the problem of the random warning lights never gave me an issue the whole trip. Again, I was worrying for nothing. I guess she just needed to get out and blow off some of the city driving steam and crankiness... sort of like me.

The weekend ended up being just what the doctor ordered and I found myself quickly feeling so much better emotionally and physically that it was almost magical. I will comment on it further in some later posts as I am still digesting a lot of what we talked about and I just realized I am exhausted and need to get some rest.

I had the chance to introduce William to the world of blogging and helped him set up his own blog. You can check it out at Bill's Cruise Through Life. I am very interested to see where he goes with this blogging opportunity. When you visit, go easy on him... he's still a BlogVirgin.


Hoosier Chick said...

What'd you do here? There were all kinds of people in town last weekend. Country Music Festival and Bonnaroo at the same time. Made for an interesting crowd.

Tawcan said...

Ahhh one of those weekend driving trips. Those are always interesting. :)

Bonez said...

Yes, quite an interesting crowd, indeed. We spent some time downtown at the CMF and visited some coffee shops and just gawked at all the cowboys and especially the cowgirls. I'm not a C&W fan by far so I sold William's tickets to a street corner scalper :) for a third of what he paid. Anything for a friend. We didn't do a whole lot of anything except hang out and talk. It's what we both needed and we plan on making another trip to Nashville soon. However, I think our next trip will be to Bowling Green, Kentucky to tour the National Corvette Museum. Stay tuned...

Hoosier Chick said...

I would highly suggest only hitting Bowling Green as a day trip. Aside from the museum, not much to do there.

Tara Tainton said...

Ah, you're making me "feel the love" at the moment while reading the details of the benefits of your trip to see your good friend. Those are some of the very best times we have, aren't they? So confirming, reassuring, and just supportive. It's always good to air everything and have another's honest and supportive opinion to add to your own thoughts.

Makes me miss my own best mates in various places around the world. :)

Bonez said...

Ashley, I agree with you and I think we will just make Bowling Green a day trip versus the whole weekend. Of course, our get togethers are not about doing anything in particular so an abundance of "things to do" aren't necessarily a draw for us to visit some place. We are looking primarily for places that are equadistance from each of us and as long as they have hotel space and a couple of restaurants we are probably fine. Our conversations and companionship are all else we need.

Tara, if you are feeling the urge to reconnect with your "best mates" then don't hesitate. Go ahead and let them know you are thinking of them and spread the "love". Life is too short for anything else! It's taken me a large portion of my adult life to figure out that simple truth.

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