Saturday, June 18, 2005

Sitting on the Beach

I'm sitting on the beach at Tybee Island. I am under my little pop up tent protected from the harmful rays of the sun and the occassional drizzle of rain and typing madly with both thumbs on my Treo smartphone.

I love listening to the surf and watching all of the "normal" people frolicking, drinking, sunning and escaping their "normal" mundane work week lives with the dark Atlantic ocean as their surreal backdrop. All the while I remain tucked away under my nylon SPF 10,000 (I have no clue what the SPF rating really is but I like big round numbers so we will pretend for now that it could be true) canopy. Thus, I am somewhat distanced in geography and physical barrier as well as attitude. I may even appear a tad aloof and mysterious in my Panama Jack hat and black glasses. Maybe they think I am cursed with some dred sun related disorder (very close to the truth). Or maybe they think I am an eccentric with a sun phobia or even a modernistic wannabe vampire on holiday? More likely they think of me not at all and that is fine with me and probably as it should be.

Last night I dreamed of Charles. He was trying to tell me something as if he were instructing me in a matter of some importance. I knew I was in the dream realm, as I usually do, and made a conscious effort to make sure I remembered what he was telling me. But when I awoke that bit of information was gone from my memory. Most of the rest of the dream was there but the part I wanted to remember the most eluded me. This is the second time in as many weeks that this has happened. I am becoming frustrated but think he will keep coming back to tell me whatever it is until it sinks in enough for me to remember it awake.

The ocean breeze feels so cooling and smells of salt and the indescribable scent that is uniquely ocean. It brings its spirit into my heart and mind and I cast my cares into its waves and seek its primal healing caress.


Kitty said...

I so love the beach - I'm envious - even though, with this serious burn from Tuesday's boat outing - I would have to be utilizing the 10,000 SPF umbrella also.

Enjoy the sand and surf - I love the sound of waves crashing on the shore!

I guess I'm turning from bright red to chartreuse green with envy.

-E said...

I went to the beach today too. With my mom. Today was a good day for her. I hope you have some good days too.

Ole Blue The Heretic said...

I love the beach and ocean too!
HHHmmmm....a modern vampire on vacation...sounds like a story.

Anonymous said...

I like the people who love the ocean only because I love it too.
It gives me a beautiful dream all the time.